Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vice & Virtue Launch

I don't know about all of you out there, but I like to support the local scene. So i just wanna give you all a heads up about a new company launching up, this week. Canadian streetwear scene, meet Vice & Virtue, creatively lead by Taylor Swan, who by the way is a really nice dude.

V&V intends to influence positive change. Our different perspective on how to provide a dose of reality should be considered ahead of its time; we don’t mince words - or f**k around. Through our unique blend of media consisting of: innovative slogans, web and apparel designs, we plan to expand your mind and senses like no other has before.

They're launching off this Saturday, so mark your calenders for their
launch party at Strange Love with DJ Krarpf in the house.

You can learn more about them HERE or on their facebook group.


Anonymous said...

Did you mean Dj Karpf??? Cause that guy's a SICK DJ!! Http://

chillan said...

sorry about that
i think it was spelled incorrectly on the vice & virtue facebook event